English Writing Course Online - International Communication

  International Communication


English Writing Course Online  English Writing Course Online Page in Danish 

Have you ever wanted to express yourself better in written English?
Have you ever found it difficult to truly express yourself in a letter or email?
Has your English writing ever been misunderstood?

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions then this course is for you.

Aim of this English Writing Course Online

Improve your writing structure and style.
Convey your written meaning succinctly and accurately.
Write more expressively and with confidence.
Use a more varied and more expressive vocabulary.
All of these aims are applicable to business writing - letters, email and reports.

Brief Details - English Writing Course Online

A home study book will be sent to you that is suitable for your level.
A versatile course structure so each student can gain maximum benefit.
Course can be adjusted to suit the individual's needs.
You will be tutored by an experienced author who specialises in writing.
Flexible arrangements for assignment deadlines.

What's included in the Price

Course assignments, tests and results done online.
Expert advice and constructive feedback from an inspiring tutor.
A book sent to you for home study.
Flexiblity - course adjusted to suit your needs. Ideal for busy professionals.

You can contact us by telephone:7026 2460
or fill in your details below

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Kursisternes Oplevelser

   I chose International Communication because they offer individual online courses in written English which fits me perfectly, having a busy everyday life. The course has exceeded all my expectations thanks to a very competent teacher, David Elvar, who has been inspiring and motivating throughout the course. He and International Communications gets my best recommendations.

- Mette Herlev
MedTech Innovation Center

...I have had the privilege and pleasure to attend an online, personalised course in English,...
...The entire experience has been fun and inspiring,...  


- Gitte Nielsen
School of Public Health
Aarhus University



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